
Pressure trend ▲   rising slowly  
Light breeze from W Force 2 | Temp 8.5°C

Outlook at 00:00: Becoming fine
Hourly update at 08:00: Settled fine

Weather at


20 April 2024
at 08:25

Approximate Tides today

Night Low Tide - Quarter past midnight - 1.72 m
Morning High Tide - Half past six - 4.02 m
Afternoon Low Tide - Quarter to one - 1.24 m
Evening High Tide - Quarter to seven - 4.07 m

Waxing gibbous Moon, Rises: 16:40 Sets: 05:31
Sunrise - Sunset: 05:54 - 20:46

Current Conditions

Outside Temperature 8.5°C
Wind Chill 7.2°C
Heat Index 7.6°C
Dewpoint 5.8°C
Humidity 83%
Barometer 1029.6 hPa
Pressure trend (3 hours) 1.3 hPa
Wind 5 mph W (276°)
Wind Gust 9 mph W (277°)
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Calculated Cloud Base 357 meters
UV 0.0
Solar Radiation 95 W/m²

Since Midnight

High Temperature
Low Temperature
8.6°C at 08:24:21
4.8°C at 01:25:10
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00:04
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1029.8 hPa at 08:24:01
1027.2 hPa at 00:43:57
High Wind 14 mph at 02:54:38
Average Wind 5 mph
RMS Wind 6 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
3 mph
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
7.7°C at 08:24:21
2.8°C at 01:14:27
High Humidity
Low Humidity
88% at 04:16:03
76% at 00:00:04
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
6.0°C at 08:16:59
1.6°C at 00:00:04
High UV
Low UV
0.0 at 00:00:04
0.0 at 00:00:04
High Radiation
Low Radiation
101 W/m² at 08:24:41
0 W/m² at 00:00:04
wind Hi Wind
barometer temperatures
rain Wind Vector
heatchill Radiation

Today's Almanac

Start civil twilight: 05:09:36
Sunrise: 05:54:56
Transit: 13:20:00
Sunset: 20:46:34
End civil twilight: 21:32:17
Azimuth: 97.6°
Altitude: 18.5°
Right ascension: 28.6°
Declination: 11.7°
Solstice: 20/06/24 21:51:03
Equinox: 22/09/24 13:43:32
Rise: 16:40:55
Transit: 23:17:04
Set: 05:31:43
Azimuth: 320.5°
Altitude: -20.2°
Right ascension: 171.7°
Declination: 5.1°
Full moon: 24/04/24 00:48:55
New moon: 08/05/24 04:21:52
Phase: Waxing gibbous
(88% full)